Background tasks with Tornado


February 28, 2015

I have been using Tornado lately for distributed control of devices in the lab where an asynchronous framework is advantageous. In particular, we have a HighFinesse wavelength meter which we use to monitor and stabilize several lasers (up to 14 at a time). Previously, a custom server for controlling this wavemeter was written using Twisted, but that has proven difficult to upgrade, distribute, and maintain.

One thing that is common for such a control scenario is that data needs to be refreshed continuously while still allowing incoming connections from clients and appropriately executing remote procedure calls. One method would be to periodically interrupt the Tornado IO loop to refresh data (and in fact, Tornado has a class to make this easy for you in tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback). This can be fine if the data refreshing does not take too much time, but all other operations will be blocked until the callback is finished, which can be a problem if the refreshing operation is slow. Another option is to have an additional thread separate from the Tornado IO loop that handles refreshing data. This certainly works, but adds the complexity of needing to use thread-safe communications to stop the thread when the main application is shut down or when other tasks depend on the successful completion of the refresh.

Luckily, Tornado also includes a decorator, tornado.concurrent.run_on_executor, to run things in the background for you using Python’s concurrent.futures module (which is standard starting in Python 3.3 and backported for other versions). Then instead of writing the refresh function as a loop that runs in the background, you instead have its final call be to add itself back as a callback on the IO loop. This makes shutdown trivial since only the IO loop needs to be stopped when the program is closed. A refresh function could thus look something like this:

def refresh():

Now after refresh is called once, it will continuously run until the IO loop is stopped.

For a more complete example, I have written a small demo.