Raspberry Pi as a USB to Ethernet Gateway


March 8, 2014


One of the most convenient ways of communicating with experimental devices (such as oscilloscopes, frequency generators, pulse generators, etc.) is via ethernet. The advantages of this over other forms of communication such as GPIB, RS-232 serial ports, etc., is that, provided the device receives a fixed IP address or some sort of dynamic DNS service is used, it doesn’t matter where it is located and specialty cabling can be kept to a minimum. Luckily, most of these devices, even if they are not equipped with ethernet capability, can be made to work over ethernet with some sort of device server (e.g., there are device servers such as those made by Moxa which can “convert” RS-232 serial port communications to ethernet).

A lot of modern devices come equipped with a USB port on the back which complies with the USBTMC (USB test and measurement class) specifications. Even fairly inexpensive equipment which lacks an ethernet port are likely to have a USB port for USBTMC communications (e.g., the popular and inexpensive Rigol DS1000D series digital oscilloscopes). There exists a USBTMC Linux kernel module which allows for communication with USBTMC devices via /dev/usbtmcNNN device files. This module, coupled with the versatile socat command, can thus allow for transparent communications over ethernet with a USBTMC device as if it were connected via ethernet itself. The rest of this note describes the process for using a Raspberry Pi as a USBTMC to ethernet adapter.

Compiling the RPi kernel

The RPi’s default kernel does not include USBTMC support as a module or built into the kernel. This requires building from scratch, the full details of which can be found here. The basic idea is to grab the RPi kernel source on a fast computer and cross compile it with the USBTMC kernel module1 (or build into the kernel if you prefer).

There are a few caveats and pitfalls, so the following provides the step-by-step approach that worked for me. To get started on a 64-bit Linux machine, make sure you have the 32-bit libraries installed. On Debian and derivatives:

sudo  dpkg  --add-architecture  i386 # enable multi-arch
sudo  apt-get  update
sudo  apt-get  install  ia32-libs

Once this is done, the following steps will get things working:

Get the RPi kernel source:

git init
git clone --depth 1 git://github.com/raspberrypi/linux.git

Get the compiler for cross-compiling:

git clone git://github.com/raspberrypi/tools.git

  • Compile the kernel

In the kernel source directory, do:

make mrproper

Next, copy the default configuration file:

cp arch/arm/configs/bcmrpi_defconfig .config

Select the appropriate compiler to use by defining an environment variable that points to the right place (TODO: put the right thing here):

export CCPREFIX=/path/to/your/compiler/binary/prefix-of-binary-

Pre-configure everything and accept the defaults:

yes "" | make oldconfig

Now we can enable building of the usbtmc kernel module. Run make menuconfig.

Navigate to Device Drivers > USB support > USB Test and Measurement Class support and make sure it is marked M to build a module. Save the configuration file, then exit. Now build the kernel:


where N is the number of CPU cores + 1 (e.g., if there are 4 cores, N = 5). This step will take several minutes on a reasonably fast computer. Next build the modules:


Transferring the kernel:

First copy to the RPi:

scp arch/arm/boot/Image pi@yourpi:kernel_someuniqueid.img

Then on the RPi, copy this over to /boot:

sudo cp kernel_someuniqueid.img /boot

Edit the bootloader configuration file to use the new kernel by making sure the following line appears:


and comment out any other kernel=... lines.

Transferring the kernel modules:

On the build machine, make a temporary directory to install modules to:

mkdir ~/modules
export MODULES_TEMP=~/modules

In the build directory:


Now in the temporary directory, there should be a lib directory. We don’t need the source/headers, so remove them (otherwise you might run out of space on the RPi SD card!). Transfer these over to the RPi:

scp -r lib pi@yourpi:

On the RPi, copy and overwrite the contents of lib into /lib:

sudo cp -f lib/* /lib

Only do this step while running a different version of the kernel than what you compiled!


Load the module:

sudo modprobe usbtmc

Connect the USB device.

There should now be a device named /dev/usbtmc0.

Talking to the device

A Python script for piping data to and from a USBTMC device can be found here. It should be run through socat which does the more difficult work of properly transferring packets. The socat command I use is

socat tcp-listen:5025,fork,reuseaddr,crnl,tcpwrap=script\
    EXEC:"python usbtmc_pipe.py",su-d=pi,pty,echo=0

Other notes

It turns out that it is not necessary to use the kernel module to talk to USBTMC devices. A pure Python implementation of using the USBTMC protocol also exists. This has the advantage of not requiring a custom kernel for the RPi, but it adds the slight complexity of needing to specify vendor and product IDs.



  1. In the make menuconfig configuration menus, the option can be found under Device Drivers > USB support > USB Test and Measurement Class support.↩︎